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About the creator of Creative Cognition 4U

      Dr. Marjorie Schiering has devoted her career as an educator to developing learner’s creative cognition. Opening individuals to new ideas, modifying former ones and emphasizing creativity to explore one’s thinking and feelings have been mainstays in her teaching. A firm believer in interactive and engaging instructional techniques she incorporated the Interactive Method (IM) when beginning her professional endeavors in an inner city school in Columbus, Ohio. Taking these ideas to North Carolina and later New York she incorporated educational gaming strategies. She invented the Interactive Book Report in 1996 to enhance and have a concrete application of the IM.

She received her bachelor’s degree in childhood education from Ohio State University and earned her master’s degree in reading from the College of New Rochelle, NY. A Dunn and Dunn Learning Styles Model certified trainer and practitioner she whole heartedly supports the concept of teaching students the way they learn. Her doctoral work, at St. John's University, was concentrated on developing and creating the Reciprocal Thinking Phases: Cognition and Meta-cognition for identifying what one is thinking. This later became a paradigm within A Model for Academic and Social Cognition (2003), which adddresses the Cognitive Collective (Thinking and Feelings), Common Social and Societal Realities, and Beliefs and Value Systems. 

Dr. Schiering has presented extensively in the New York area and conducted presentations on the aforementioned topics in Iceland, Norway, Denmark, England, Wales, Belgium, Latvia, Republic of Georgia, and Columbia, South America.   She has many years experience teaching in elementary and middle school, with the past 17 years being at the University level at St. John’s University and then Molloy College where she is a Professor.  A Member of the Oxford Round Table, she is internationally recognized for: her innovative approaches to teaching creativity, creative cognition, critical thinking, inspiration techniques, building motivation and classroom community, and providing safe school environments by instruction regarding the six international traits of being a person of good character. Dr. Schiering has published extensively on the topics of children’s literature, developing cognitive and meta-cognitive skills in individuals, and brain-based education. Her newest book "Teaching Creative and Critical Thinking: An Interactive Workbook" is in press. Dr. Schiering may be reached at: